SCB Julius Baer believes markets will continue to be supported by global policy interventionand recommends staying invested but highly selective in Q4 2020

SCB Julius Baer, a strategic wealth management joint venture between Siam Commercial Bank, the first Thai Bank, and Julius Baer, the leading Swiss wealth management group, believes markets will continue to be supported by global policy intervention and recommends staying invested but highly selective in Q4 2020.

SCB Julius Baer expects markets will continue to be supported by government and central bank intervention as well as the development of a COVID-19 vaccine. “We believe that the global economic recovery is on track, led by strong monetary and fiscal stimulus and later by a cyclical recovery on the back of a vaccine.  We continue to be constructive on equities but highly selective, particularly as we enter the more volatile weeks ahead of and during the US Presidential elections.” Said Mr. Joseph Caceres, the new Head of Investment Advisory and Solutions, SCB-Julius Baer Securities Co., Ltd. “We believe longer term structural shifts in the way we live and work will continue to drive the technology sector including across digital infrastructure, fintech, and healthcare. We advise clients to stay invested but remain well-diversified and have a preference geographically toward the US and China.” Mr. Joseph Caceres pointed out.

With the wide range of product offerings and solutions, SCB Julius Baer is a world-class one-stop wealth management service provider offering global-standard services. It provides extensive services including Discretionary Portfolio Mandates, advisory services, research, brokerage and trading, structured solutions, wealth planning, and philanthropy.

“When we advise clients on portfolio construction here in Thailand, we benefit from the full breadth and scale of the international Julius Baer platform. For clients with a risk tolerance for equities, we will typically recommend the exclusive Julius Baer Global Excellence mandate to form a core component of their equity exposure, and then supplement this exposure with funds to access our high conviction themes and structured products to take advantage of tactical moves in the market. The Global Excellence program invests in high quality global companies, defined by the following three characteristics: solid and sustainable earnings growth, high and stable cash flows, and strong balance sheets with low leverage.” Mr. Joseph Caceres explained.

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